Motivation Monday - 6 Ways To Beat The Monday Blues

Hate Mondays? You're not alone. Starting the workweek often triggers sadness or stress and can drain your passion and motivation.
The Monday Blues is a set of negative emotions that people get at the beginning of the work week if they're not happy with their job. It can leave you left tired, depressed and can lead to procrastination.

Its such a common thing that it has become a social norm to hate Mondays. Most of the time it is because people just don't want the weekend to end, it could also be that you just really don't want to work, or it could be part of an even deep rooted problem.

If you love your job and are passionate about what you're doing then going to work on a Monday morning should be exiting, you get another chance to do what you love!

Everyone's productivity is affected by your Monday blues. If you're down and mopey it makes it difficult for others around you to be excited and motivated. It could be a case where one worker with a case of the Mondays could affect the rest of the team.

Lets have a look at a few ways you could make a change and start to love your Monday mornings:

“Mondays are the start of the work week which offer new beginnings 52 times a year!” ~David Dweck

1.  Identify the issue - If it looks like you have a case of the Mondays nearly every week then it could be a sign that you're unhappy or unfulfilled at your job. You need to fix this, or find another job. Determine what it is that makes you feel this way and try to find a solution. Is the problem directly related to the job itself or is it more personal? Is it because you have problems waking up early, or do you have too much work to do when you get in?

2. Prepare your Monday before you leave work on Friday - Mondays can be made more stressful from leaving work to pile up from the week before. On Friday evenings its easy just to leave work unfinished thinking that you'll simply pick it up on Monday morning. Think ahead and attempt to make your Monday morning as easy going as you can. If it means staying behind a little bit longer on Friday evening im sure your Monday morning self will be thanking you greatly.

3. Remind yourself of what you're most exited about - Don't look ahead through the week and ponder on all the difficult and demanding tasks you'll have to carry out. Turn it around and look forward to the things that get you motivated. Have a positive outlook, keep your mind focused on the rewards, gratification and outcome from your hard work.

4. Get a good nights sleep and wake up early - If its because you feel tired and drained on Monday, go to bed earlier on Sunday, simple. It may sound counter-intuitive but waking up an extra 15-30 minutes earlier can make going to the office easier. You have more time to yourself rather than feeling trapped in time constraints.

Heres our quick guide to waking up effectively!

“Step aside Monday. This is a job for coffee!”
5. Look good, feel good! -  I always like to wear my favorite shirt on a Monday. If I feel that I look good then I generally feel a lot more confident and motivated to carry out my day. This is also why you might want to wake up a little earlier so you can be sure you look your best! You may even get compliments from colleagues which could give you a motivation boost.

6. Make the most of your weekend - Another reason you could feel down on Mondays is because you feel like your weekend was a waste of time. Don't do any work over the weekend. You need to clearly define boundaries between work and personal life. When you leave the desk on Friday evening leave your work problems there and focus on enjoying your weekend. Go and do something you love, don't waste any time on mundane work tasks! Whilst it may be tempting to sleep in on a weekend, you should still wake up early to make the most of the day! If your weekend was fulfilling going back to work on Monday should be easier, and you will have more to talk about with colleagues.
“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.” ~Sam Levenson
What is it that makes you hate Mondays? What do you do to keep yourself going? Let us know in the comments! 


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.