Meditation For Motivation: Think Success Today, Be Successful Tomorrow
Life can get tough, and it can be so easy to get caught up in things that don't take the time to look after yourself. Losing motivation is crippling, and it can take time to get it back. One thing is for sure, if you stay unmotivated to get on and do what is needed of you then it could lead to a downward spiral, affecting your life in all areas.The simplest thing to remember is that success lies in the mind. You reflect in your physical being, that which is of your mental being. If you continually feed your mind with negative thoughts and information, your physical self will reflect that. If you want success in life, you need to regain control of your mind and see the change you want in your minds eye for it to manifest in real life.
If you are at the end of your tether, stressed, out of creativity or simply searching for self improvement, meditation allows you to stay calm and in control of your mind.
Benefits of Meditation
1. Health - Because meditation promotes calmness and stress management, you are far less likely to be at risk of heart disease. Blood pressure levels drop, and your immune system is boosted. This is because your endocrine system has time to re-balance itself without distorted energies (like stress) getting in the way. It is anti-inflammatory which helps with arthritis, asthma and most skin conditions as researched by Emory University in the US. McGill University in Canada showed that meditation clinically improves the symptoms of the skin condition psoriasis. Stress constitutes 40% of work related illness, and meditation can act as an 'off switch' for this.
2. Mental - A study by University of California in Los Angeles showed MRI evidence of increased gyrification (brain matter folding) in the cerebral cortex, the part of the brain associated with overall cognitive intelligence. Meditation leads to intelligence, it helps with concentration levels and the ability to take in new information.
Anxiety, depression and stress can all be fought with meditation, and this practice is even encouraged in clinics which seek to help those with these struggles.
Anxiety, depression and stress can all be fought with meditation, and this practice is even encouraged in clinics which seek to help those with these struggles.
How Meditation increases Motivation
Calming the mind, observing the thoughts: When meditating, you learn to observe your thoughts and remove the negative ones. It is very refreshing. This discipline allows you to have access to a natural untapped store of energy; imagine how more productive you can be whilst there aren't negative thoughts and mind blocks getting in the way!
Control the intent of your thoughts: If your lack of motivation stems from depression or anxiety then meditation will help change your thought patterns. Often these conditions come from the repetition of thoughts, words, deeds and your mindset. Observing and taking notice of these thought patterns are the first step. Once you have realised them and consciously taken notice that your mind has that thought, attempt to just cut it off. Stop the thought in its tracks. It is possible. This is why in meditation we place our concentration on our breath, this process can replace thoughts!
You are what you think: 90% of the thoughts you had yesterday will make up the thoughts you have today. This is powerful stuff! Once meditation has rooted up the dysfunctional thought processes you can begin to fill your mind with positive thinking. What you think today will affect how you think tomorrow. Don't you want tomorrow to be a good day?
Emotion and Spirituality: Meditation can reconnect you to higher levels of emotion. Being present and aware in the present moment through meditation can spark a new found appreciation for the beauty and gift of life which is powerful enough to inspire you to take advantage of the day.
Regardless of your religion, daily practice or world view, we all have an element of spirituality in our lives, whether you choose to pay attention to it or not. Spirituality can be defined in many ways, one being that it is a process of self transformation in accordance to practices and ideals. It is those who take control of themselves in life who succeed; have you ever met a self made millionaire who's thoughts run amok? Without clear goals and a clear mind it is easy to let too many factors get in the way of what you really want out of life.